Kognitiv 130 Weber St. W., Suite 100, Kitchener, Ontario CANADA N2H 4A2 |
RetIssuedRewardDetails |
Overview | |
Service URL: | https://app.kognitivloyalty.com/Services/Reward.asmx (Production) |
Service WSDL URL: | https://app.kognitivloyalty.com/Services/Reward.asmx?WSDL (Production) |
Method: | RetIssuedRewardDetails |
Sample SOAP Packets: | https://app.kognitivloyalty.com/Services/Reward.asmx?op=RetIssuedRewardDetails (Production) |
Description: | Returns back all fields for a specific Issued Reward Id |
Interface | |
Input Parameters: | Takes parameter 'preqRetIssuedRewardDetails' of type 'reqRetIssuedRewardDetails' (defined below) |
Returns: | Returns record of type 'respRetIssuedRewardDetails' (defined below) |
Type: | reqRetIssuedRewardDetails |
Field: | SecurityToken (String) - Web Service Security Token generated via the Aimia Loyalty Solutions Platform Application |
Field: | MemberIssuedRewardId (Required)(Integer) - The Unique Reward Id |
Type: | respRetIssuedRewardDetails |
Field: | ReturnCode (Integer) - (0) - Success / (Non-Zero) - Error (See Below) |
Field: | LoyaltyProgramName (String) - Name of Loyalty Program |
Field: | RewardName (String) - Name of Reward |
Field: | RewardExternalReference (String) - External Reference of the Reward (maybe be blank) |
Field: | RewardPointCost (Double) - Point Cost (for Choice Rewards) or Point Level (for Forced Rewards) of Reward |
Field: | RewardPointDeductibleAmt (Double) - Actual Points Deducted from Member's Account |
Field: | RewardValue (Double) - Retail or Actual Dollar Value of Reward |
Field: | IssuedDevice (String) - The Device the Reward was Issued At |
Field: | IssuedLocation (String) - The Location the Reward was Issued At |
Field: | IssuedToMemberName (String) - The Member's Name |
Field: | IssuedToMemberPrimaryCardId (String) - The Member's Primary Account Id |
Field: | IssueTimestamp (String - MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS) - The Issued Timestamp |
Field: | IssuedBy (String) - The Name of the "entity" or "Person" that Issued the Reward |
Field: | RewardType (String) - The Reward Type (Choice, Forced, Variable, Internal, etc...) |
Field: | PrintedTimestamp (String - MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS) - The Timestamp of when the Reward was Printed (may be blank) |
Field: | PrintedAtDevice (String) - The Device the Reward was Printed At |
Field: | PrintedBy (String) - The Name of the "entity" or "Person" that Printed the Reward |
Field: | Cancelled (Integer) - (0) - False / (Non-Zero) - True |
Field: | CancelledTimestamp (String - MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS) - The Timestamp the Reward Was Cancelled (may be blank) |
Field: | CancelledBy (String) - The Name of the "entity" or "Person" that Cancelled the Reward |
Field: | Redeemed (Integer) - (0) - False / (Non-Zero) - True |
Field: | RedeemedTimestamp (String - MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS) - The Timestamp the Reward Was Redeemed (may be blank) |
Field: | RedeemedBy (String) - The Name of the "entity" or "Person" that Redeemed the Reward |
Field: | RedeemedAtLocation (String) - The Location Name that the Reward was Redeemed at |
Field: | Pending (Integer) - (0) - False / (Non-Zero) - True - Is the Reward "Pending to be Printed" |
Field: | ExpiredTimestamp (String - MM/DD/YYYY) - The Timestamp of when the the Reward Expires (be used by...) |
Additional Information | |
Notes: | |
Error Codes | |
Possible Return Codes: |
(0) - Sucess (1) - Undefined Error (Please Contact Support) (100) - Invalid Security Token (101) - Invalid Permission for Method (500) - Invalid Reward Id |
Reference | |
click for: | Web Services Overview |
link: | Web Services Map |
link: | SBLP Security Token Information |
Copyright © 2003-2021 Kognitiv, Corp. All rights reserved. |